Go to http://www.artkivez.com/MacroVirusIsolation.htm to play the game
Click red beakers to find key part 1
Back up
Click Right cabinet 3rd door and move the things on lower shelf to find key part 2
Click fire extinguisher on right side of the Vault door to find key part 3
Click the box with the two spotlights in the right upper corner to find key part 4
Now you have your key!
Click grey Panel on the right side of the door and drag the key to it.
Panel Puzzle solution:
Once you have solved the puzzle back up and click the now open vault door
Go forward (upper green arrow) then go left, up and back
Move the rock in the lower left corner to get the screwdriver (if you can't fint the rock just move your cursor until it turns into a hand, click, hold and drag^^)
Go back, forward and back then turn right and click the toilet door
Click the vent in the upper left corner and use the screwdriver on the screws to get the flashlight
Close the window
Go forward, forward, forward
Click on the map in the right upper corner Notice the dates and the state initials (dates show in wich order the states come)
Now click the Periodic Table in the left upper corner and convert the state initials to numbers
You should get the digits 915727 (this is the code for the ''Chemical Storage'' door)
Click the papers in the lower right corner and read TED CRUST reorginize the letters to get the word DESTRUCT (this is the password for the laptop)
Go right, left, forward and click the room without door
The laptop is on the floor just a little bit to the right side of the blue cable
Enter the password DESTRUCT
Click ''Scanned Image'' and memorize the order of the colours (also notice the blue X), close the window and go left, forward, back and click the black panel above the doorknob, enter the digits (915727)
Open the door and click the big beaker
Remember the order of the colours? (Violet, Olive Green, Pink and Turqoise)
Click the right coloured test tubes in order (Violet, Olive Green, Pink and Turqoise)
Mix and put the beaker with the green acid in the inventory
Go back, back and right, click the toilet door and click the lower right corner of the right sink cabinet to get yellow rubber gloves
Go back, forward, forward, forward and use the green acid on the ''Growing Thing''
Click a little bit above the skeletons head use rubber gloves and get keys
Go back, right, left and forward and then go into the room without a door again and click the locker on the wall use keys click yes and destroy virus, go left to destroy some more virus and then click the elevator
Click the door to the left and then go up.